Please help us help the homeless out in the communities.

Hello friends and supporters, I'm Lou Buren the founder of TWAU. One of our missions is to help feed and clothe the homeless people out in the communities. All donations are used for just that. We do brown bag distribution days where we assemble brown bag lunches complete with 2 sandwiches, a bottled water and a small bag of chips. We also provide clothing and blankets in some cases to those in need. Donations of any size can be made either by Cash-App or PayPal. 

Cash-App:  $TWAUORG

Follow us on X/Twitter And follow us on YouTube.

Homelessness is a pervasive and complex social issue that affects millions of individuals and families worldwide. It involves not just a lack of stable housing but also significant hardships related to access to basic necessities like food and clothing. The experience of homelessness can be incredibly challenging, both physically and emotionally, and it often involves a daily struggle for survival.

  1. Homelessness means not having a safe and stable place to call home. Those experiencing homelessness may sleep on the streets, in shelters, in their cars, or in makeshift encampments. Exposure to harsh weather conditions, including extreme cold or heat, can have severe health consequences.
Homeless individuals often face food insecurity, meaning they don't have consistent access to nutritious meals. They may rely on soup kitchens, food banks, or charitable organizations for their daily sustenance. Finding regular and reliable sources of food can be a constant challenge.
  1. Access to clean and appropriate clothing can also be a struggle for those experiencing homelessness. Without regular access to laundry facilities, clean clothes become a luxury. This can lead to issues with personal hygiene and contribute to health problems.

Homelessness often carries a strong social stigma. People experiencing homelessness may face discrimination, isolation, and a lack of understanding from the general public. This can make it difficult for them to access essential services and find stable employment or housing.

Join forces with us here at The World Around Us (TWAU) and let's stop homelessness together.


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