Memory of kindergarten


John F. Kennedy elementary school

My memory these days isn't all that, but I still remember quite a bit, mostly instances and not entire events. But when I was in kindergarten, I went to Kennedy elementary. I have memories of boys chasing the girls on the playground, I had a slight crush on this one little girl named Heidi. All the other kids seem to know, because they'd point at us and sing two little love birds sitting' in a tree lol Which is kind of funny thinking back on it.

I remember we had something called (treat day) where the teacher would pick out a kid each day and pin a note to the back of their shirt. The note was to the parents informing them that their child was selected for treat day which would be the next day. I remember I got selected one time, and my mom got a gallon of punch and a couple boxes of moon pies. Everyone seemed to love the moon pies 😋.

We used a lot of paste in grade school, so now that I'm older, whenever I smell paste boy does it take me back with the memories. We used to make Christmas chains out of colored construction paper. Such fun. My teacher's name was Mrs. Knipper. She was very nice from what I can remember. I always enjoyed school in the elementary years, however when I got to middle school (7th grade) it went downhill from there.

I just wanted to share a couple memories I had from kindergarten. I hope you enjoyed the read. 

Lou Buren <><

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