Illegals over veterans in Biden’s America


Donations are appreciated

Just over a week ago, Biden ACCUSED Republicans of putting veterans last with our bill to address the debt ceiling.

But the reality is that Biden and the radical Left are the ones who put veterans LAST:


As illegal immigrants FLOOD the country amidst Biden’s failure to secure our border and the ending of Title 42, we see the truth.

Illegal immigrants FIRST, veterans LAST in Joe Biden’s America.

We can’t let Biden’s America LAST agenda continue its destruction.

But we need your help to FIGHT BACK.

The World Around Us

Donate today to help right the wrongs that Biden and his cronies are inflicting on our nation.

These veterans sacrificed their lives to fight for our country and defend our freedom and they deserve better.

Yet under the leadership of Biden, and at the expense of veterans, illegal aliens are being welcomed with open arms.

It’s un-American and a complete disgrace.

Unfortunately, this won’t be the end of the Left’s attack on Americans to cater to their radical open-border agenda.

America is being destroyed from within by the Biden Administration’s policies and our veterans are the ones paying the price with this latest crisis.

We have a President that is not fit to hold his office and an Administration that is not fit to lead.

But with your help, we will FIGHT BACK to END Biden’s disastrous America LAST agenda to restore our country to its former glory.

Lou Buren, Founder of TWAU


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