
🅽🅴🆆 Three's Company 2024 ❤️ Eyewitness Blues ❤️ Three's Company Full Epi...

I remember a time in my life when I was experiencing bad anxiety attacks and feelings of doom and gloom. I used to lie on my bed and watch old repeats of (Three's company). It brought me a lot of comfort and some mental peace. It was always a great show while I was growing up as well. "Three's Company," a beloved sitcom that aired from 1977 to 1984, was a cornerstone of American television entertainment. The show was known for its clever humor, iconic characters, and the way it navigated societal norms with a light-hearted touch. Centered around the antics of three roommates—Jack Tripper, Janet Wood, and Chrissy Snow—the series explored themes of friendship, misunderstandings, and comedic mishaps in a way that resonated with a wide audience. John Ritter’s portrayal of Jack Tripper was a standout performance, blending physical comedy with charm and wit. Ritter's ability to deliver slapstick humor while maintaining a lovable, everyman quality made Jack one of t

A dream lesson

I used to have this recurring dream when I was a kid about a strange-looking green man who would always chase me. He had this eerie, almost glowing green skin and eyes that seemed to pierce right through me. Every night, he would appear out of nowhere and start chasing me through my neighborhood. No matter how fast I ran, I could always hear his heavy, menacing footsteps getting closer and closer. In the dream, I would always end up cornered, trapped with no way out. The green man would loom over me, his presence filling me with a paralyzing fear. It felt so real, like there was no escape, and I would wake up drenched in sweat, my heart pounding in my chest. But then, one night, something changed. I was tired of running, tired of feeling helpless and scared. In the dream, just as the green man was about to corner me again, I decided to stop running. I turned around, faced him head-on, and mustered all my courage. With a surge of adrenaline, I attacked the green monster man, striking hi

Lou Buren sings cover for: Poor side of town

Make Music on Smule I have always loved singing. So, I mainly sing cover songs from my favorite artists. Feel free to share this blogpost, it helps me get more exposure. I do most of my recordings on SMULE. Smule is a social media platform designed specifically for music lovers, providing a unique and interactive way for people to express their musical talents. Launched in 2008, Smule allows users to sing and create music, either solo or in collaboration with others, and share their performances with a global audience. Here’s how Smule works: Song Selection: Users can choose from a vast library of songs across various genres and languages. Whether you’re into pop, rock, hip-hop, or classical music, Smule has something for everyone. Recording: Smule offers a user-friendly interface that makes recording songs a breeze. You can sing along with the lyrics and use various effects to enhance your voice. The app also provides

Democrats and their deceptive word play.

 The globalist democrats seemed to have mastered the art of making bad things sound like something good. Such as calling illegal aliens (Newcomers) or undocumented migrants. Or calling death by abortion (reproductive rights or healthcare). When clearly abortion is murder and there is never a justification to kill a baby under any circumstance. And as far as illegal aliens go, Federal immigration law states that illegal entry by outsiders will be prevented. But instead, we see the corrupt Biden administration allowing a massive invasion of our country.  Trickery and mind tactics are what the leftists use to brain wash and fool voters into thinking their wicked ways are OK or something good. And when people don't use the Bible as it's roadmap in life they are easily fooled. Our country is at a crossroads, and we are seeing much of the Bible play our right before our very eyes and many don't see it because they don't know the Word. The world is quickly becoming as it was

Growing up poor

Growing Up Poor: A Personal Story   You hear a lot about white privilege these days. I’ve never believed in such a thing. I don’t believe it exists. My family was poor during my childhood. My dad had a job in my memories, but he also drank up most of his earnings at the bar, and sometimes he didn’t come home for days at a time. My mom did most of the work when it came to raising us kids. There was myself and my five younger brothers. Needless to say, we were on welfare and food stamps. Our house was always a mess, and we were always wondering where our next meal was going to come from. Mom would frequent all the church emergency food banks and go stand in line for the free government cheese when it was available. The food we got from the food stamps was never enough for six boys. Sometimes relatives would drop off food for us, I remember being so hungry at times I would pray for a relative to bring us some food. That’s a terrible feeling. None of us had a

Mastering the Art of Budgeting: A Simple Monthly Money Management System

In today’s fast-paced world, managing personal finances can be a daunting task. However, with a simple monthly budgeting system in place, you can take control of your finances and make your money work for you. In this article, we will discuss a straightforward approach to budgeting that can help you keep your spending in check and achieve your financial goals. Monthly Budget The first step in creating a budget is to determine your monthly income. This includes your salary, any freelance or side gig earnings, and any other sources of regular income. Be sure to use your net income (after taxes) when calculating your monthly income. Next, make a list of all your fixed monthly expenses. These are the expenses that remain constant each month, such as rent or mortgage payments, utility bills, insurance premiums, and loan payments. Subtract your fixed expenses from your monthly income to get a clearer picture of your discretionary spending. Variable expenses are those that change from month

Memory of kindergarten

  My memory these days isn't all that, but I still remember quite a bit, mostly instances and not entire events. But when I was in kindergarten, I went to Kennedy elementary. I have memories of boys chasing the girls on the playground, I had a slight crush on this one little girl named Heidi. All the other kids seem to know, because they'd point at us and sing two little love birds sitting' in a tree lol Which is kind of funny thinking back on it. I remember we had something called (treat day) where the teacher would pick out a kid each day and pin a note to the back of their shirt. The note was to the parents informing them that their child was selected for treat day which would be the next day. I remember I got selected one time, and my mom got a gallon of punch and a couple boxes of moon pies. Everyone seemed to love the moon pies 😋. We used a lot of paste in grade school, so now that I'm older, whenever I smell paste boy does it take me back with the memories. We u