A dream lesson

Nightmare monster

I used to have this recurring dream when I was a kid about a strange-looking green man who would always chase me. He had this eerie, almost glowing green skin and eyes that seemed to pierce right through me. Every night, he would appear out of nowhere and start chasing me through my neighborhood. No matter how fast I ran, I could always hear his heavy, menacing footsteps getting closer and closer.

In the dream, I would always end up cornered, trapped with no way out. The green man would loom over me, his presence filling me with a paralyzing fear. It felt so real, like there was no escape, and I would wake up drenched in sweat, my heart pounding in my chest.

But then, one night, something changed. I was tired of running, tired of feeling helpless and scared. In the dream, just as the green man was about to corner me again, I decided to stop running. I turned around, faced him head-on, and mustered all my courage. With a surge of adrenaline, I attacked the green monster man, striking him with all my might. As soon as I hit him, everything went black, and I woke up.

From that night on, I never had the nightmare again. It was like confronting him had broken the spell. Looking back, I think that dream taught me a valuable life lesson: not to fear things, but to stand up and face them head-on. It showed me that sometimes, the power to overcome our fears is within us, waiting to be unleashed.

Lou Buren


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