New details of immediate enforcement plans
There is a lot to unpack in this new version that I’ll explain below. Today, the WHO’s parent organization, the United Nations, is hosting its 75th Plenary Meeting and member election. We must get out of the WHO and stop this global takeover. Even if we exit, we must stop this Pandemic Treaty because it will dictate the majority of the world and directly affect the United States of America. Send your faxes now to members of Congress urging them to stop the WHO from taking control of America. This new draft of the Pandemic Treaty and the amendments creates a mechanism for member states to enforce the WHO’s directives BEFORE the treaty is actually enforceable. This is like having a U.S. constitutional amendment become effective in some states BEFORE it is ratified by the required number of states. Under this odd scheme, the failed Equal Rights Amendment could have been enforced even though it failed to get enough states to ratify it. It is crucial to stop the WHO now. Send your faxes now to members of Congress urging them to stop the WHO from taking control of America. The time frame of this treaty is not clear, but a member state may provisionally apply it voluntarily right away BEFORE it becomes an enforceable treaty. In other words, the Pandemic Treaty can begin with a patchwork of member states enforcing the provisions, thus putting pressure on other member states to sign on. Once 3/4 of the member states sign on, enforcement is mandatory upon all 194 nations.
It appears that a “regional economic integration organizations” may be able to bind a member state. We cannot allow this proposed treaty and amendments to pass. This new version makes another important change. It states that instead of a one-year delay to exit the WHO, there is actually a three-year delay. There is a two-year delay before you can even request to leave, and then another year between when the request is made and when a nation can act upon it and leave the WHO. This is a coordinated attack to weaken America by Joe Biden. Our team is working to communicate and counter these threats. Partners like you undergird the mission of LC Action to make our vital work possible. DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT TODAY and help us stop this radical globalization. You can also donate to TWAU Mission Fund TWAU-TEAM |
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